Put More Wins on Your Board
What will make this year different for you? How will you finally push past all the reasons why last year didn’t go the way you wanted it to go?
Don’t Get More Done: Get the RIGHT Stuff Done
I had a lot of the same challenges you had. I felt busy all the time, but then when I reflected back on all that I had set out to do, I wasn’t hitting the mark.
My days felt packed full of “work” and “stuff” and “busy-ness” but when I tried matching that to my goals, the needle just wasn’t moving.
I Found a Solution and I Walk You Through Each Step.
You might have heard me saying this over the past few years:
“Your day is your week is your month is your year.”
The idea is simple, and yet, I’ve come to discover that it’s what most of us miss when it comes to accomplishing our goals in business and life.
The 20 Minute Plan JUMPSTART is About Simple Systems for Winning
I created the 20 Minute Plan as a way to make sure that you put more wins on your board, that you map more of your actions to your intentions, so that you find your way to those goals you’ve been talking about for a while but haven’t hit.
Do any of these statements resonate?
I want to make a few extra thousand a month in 2019
I want to finally launch that project I’ve been putting off
I want more time back to spend with my family and loved ones
I’m tired of feeling so rushed with nothing to show
I need to find my next level
If yes, then I’ve created the 20 Minute Plan JUMPSTART for you.
It’s not wizardry. There aren’t any false promises. I walk you through step-by-step. Let’s talk about what it entails.
20 Minute Plan JUMPSTART
This program is delivered to you in four video modules with related downloadable materials. There is also a success tracking organizer called the 20mpWINS document that’s built for you to print out and track your wins on paper! (No, I know! Really!)
Here’s what you get:
Module One - Put More Wins on Your Board
Setting yourself up for success every day and how to tie mission, goals, and daily actions together.
Module Two - The OASWins Document and Systems in General
The simple systems we’ve put in place and that are driving the success of hundreds of owners just like you!
Module Three - Mortgage Math and Offerings
How to get your financial picture in simple focus (it’s not scary, I promise) and how to better package and deliver your offerings (what you sell).
Module Four - How Owners Spend Their Time
How to focus your time on the right things so that you learn to help others thrive and earn some success for yourself along the way.
BONUS - Action Stacks Upgrade
A deeper dive into building Action Stacks to help you do YOUR work better.
Each of these modules are built for action. There are simple steps you can take along the path that will implement for you the 20 Minute Plan system for you.
The 20 Minute Plan Fits YOUR World (Not the Other Way Around)
The beauty of the 20 Minute Plan and this JUMPSTART is that you can adjust it to match your situation.
- Are you working for someone else and want to improve your personal leadership within your current role? Excellent!
- Are you looking to launch a side project? This will help.
- Are you starting a business from scratch and need some structure and focus? Kapow!
- Have you been in business a while but need to move to that next level? I can help.
Every step of the way, the 20 Minute Plan JUMPSTART is built to deliver simple systems for business success to help you put more wins on your board.
Here are just a few of the testimonials people have given us.
I am getting SO much from the 20-Minute Plan. In addition to the efficiency bump, I'm noticing a wonderful letting go of things that I think aren't "working." Not ignoring them, but rather putting them into perspective (and onto the list). It's helping me avoid the rabbit holes that I've previously spiraled into and also helping me to delegate. Really, a terrific toolset as I'm making the shift from my previous business (film scoring and audio post production) to my new business (meditation audio downloads). I'm starting to think that I can actually do this.
Deon Vozov - quietself.com -
Just to let you know, per your advice, I had a client wire me 5k this afternoon while I was messing around in my woodshed... for advice. And he wouldn't let me finish my pitch! You helped. You are awesome.
Robbie Grayson - Traitmarker.com -
Now I have a plan and a system that helps me get more done in a few hours than I used to get done in whole, entire days before. This plan and system helps me keep things moving when life decides to dump extra challenges on me. It's simple. And it works.
Suzanne Bird-Harris - websitesinwp.com
If you buy the 20 Minute Plan JUMPSTART today I’ll include the following
“A Day in the Life of an Owner”
A video walk-through explaining how the 20 Minute Plan syncs in with the rest of your systems and work
5 Action Stacks Templates
Repeatable mini project plans for those tasks in your work that are recurring
Owner Actions Systems WINS Documents
3 Sample completed and filled out forms for you to compare to your own projects
Audio mantras for Owners
A downloadable MP3 file of affirmations and mantras to improve your experiences
None of these bonus materials have ever been offered before. They probably won’t be offered again (at least two of them won’t, I can tell you).
Join me and the hundreds of successful owners like you who have JUMPED into the 20 Minute Plan to make 2019 their year to thrive! I promise it’ll be worth it.
Four Video Modules
Downloadable Resources
A Small Private JUMPSTART Community