When I work on new things, I try different approaches at the same idea. Sometimes, my first idea makes perfect sense to me, but it’s not as easily digestible to the people I serve. It’s important to shift a bit. To test a bit. I shift more than I test.
The idea isn’t all that hard, but it requires that you set a better lock on your goal. My goal, for instance, is helping owners put more wins on their board. I thought that mostly meant teaching content marketing like blogging and podcasting and the like. But I was wrong. People have largely said they need more systems and focus and discipline.
So, I shifted. I’m not pushing “how to blog” type stuff. I might have even stopped producing one course midway through because no one noticed and no one cared that it was gone.
I’m building win systems for people. The 20 Minute Plan is one. My next big project is an even better one.
The shift: from marketing talk to ownership talk. From social media to leadership. From “the internet is neato” to “you need to define your wins.”
So, it’s worth checking out in your business.
Action: Are there parts of your business that aren’t quite working? Is the GOAL anchored well enough that you could play around with the approach to it?
I’d love to see your response to this. Feel free to share your experiences with the group.