As Action is my private project to share the “Behind the Scenes” of what is helping me get more success (and what isn’t) and as it’s a way to get you to think more about your business as well, it’s time for a confession.
I’m a big pouty baby.
Every time something doesn’t hit well with you, I take it personally. If it’s not AMAZING in your eyes, I just think, “Oh well, I shouldn’t bother doing it any more. No one even cares.”
This is dumb. I rarely use that word, but it’s true in this case. It’s dumb because my mission isn’t to earn your approval. That’d be a horrible mission. My mission is to help you win.
If something doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. If something isn’t what you need, it isn’t. Who cares? It’s my job to serve, not be a big pouty baby. And if something isn’t serving, it isn’t. Keep on swimming. (tm & c Dory)
Action: Are you a big pouty baby about any part of your business? What needs to change within YOUR perspectives to make that not true?