Welcome to Simple Marketing System!
First, there’s a private group related to this class. You will do MUCH better if you join this group. Your other project partners are looking forward to getting to know you. Drop a quick intro there.
Second, here’s a quick rundown of what to expect.
Here’s the order of the modules in this project:
Simple Marketing System Table of Contents
These come out weekly. You simply go to https://rainmaker.owner.media/myowner/ (make sure you’re logged in), and you’ll see a new module every week. We drip them out so that you can pick up the information and work with it at an appropriate pace.
We don’t let you see it all at once. Sorry. The reason is that most people, once they have the material, stop looking at it. It’s a fact. You have a folder full of ebooks you haven’t read yet, if you don’t believe me.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I have access to this material? – If you are a subscriber to Owner Insider, it works like Netflix. You have access to it for as long as you stay subscribed. If you cancel your Owner Insider account, you no longer have access to the modules. If you purchased the project outright, you have access to it for as long as the Internet stays alive, more or less.
May I download the videos to my computer? – We don’t facilitate that, but there are plenty of applications you can google that let you download streaming video to your own hard drive.
Other people are mentioning modules I don’t yet have. Something’s broken. – No, it’s not. They started before you. It’s all good. It’s all one big room and some people will start after you, as well.
Do I have access to YOU? (Chris Brogan, you!) – Yes, within reason. Hit reply to any email from me and you reach me. If you have TECHNICAL issues, or billing issues or something, don’t email me. Email ronhood@ownermag.com . If you have a question that is more about the content, feel free to post it in the private group. But if you need ME, personally, email me.
How much time do I need to set aside for this? – How long is a piece of string? 20-40 minutes a week is what we recommend. Will you get more out of it if you commit to more? Yes. This is content marketing, so that takes some time. But to pick up the info in the module? 20-40 minutes.
Module One is available within a day or two.
See you in the group!